Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fifth Blog: The Process Complete

When the writer believes that their work has been completed, that also signifies the end of the writing process itself. It is often that near the end of the process, the writer may feel that they need to put more into what they've already written. It is a difficult and very common phenomenon that occurs during the writing process. You may think for a moment that what you've written is enough but at the same time, you may look at it again and decide you need to put more. It is often the result of a self-conscious mind when writing that one can believe there needs to be more.

However, there comes a time in which the writer must believe strongly that they are finished with what they have put to paper. It is when the work is finished that the true job at hand becomes the proofreading process. This is the longest part of the process and can often be the most difficult of the process as well. It can be hard to find errors in something that you have enjoyed writing and especially difficult to find fault in yourself. However, finding that fault is an important part of the ending process in order to make sure that the work is the best that it can possibly be. Once the proofreading is finished, then it becomes the final read that the writer must commit to in order to finish the process entirely. 

The writer's final reading is important to make sure that everything is as it should be and once the final read is done, a peer reading is necessary. Reading something and discovering your own errors is one thing but it is always important to let another individual read the work as well. A second pair of eyes can find what your own eyes cannot see. It is because of this general rule that a second and even a third reader is necessary to check over what has been written in order to make sure no more mistakes are present. Following that, then comes the decision of the writer: "Do I publish it now?"

This choice is important because it determines how your work will be viewed. You can do so through social media, blogging or actually going through the process of publishing your work to be purchased. If you are a writer trying to put yourself out there, social media is probably the first logical step. If you are trying to go straight to publishing, make certain to do your research and make sure you know all of the terms that go into publishing before doing so. You do not want to miss out of any significant factors in the publishing process and then find yourself in a bad position. 

At the end of the process, relief comes to the writer. The longest portion of the process has been completed and things can be taken much more slowly. It is an important milestone to be reached and once reached, the writer is in a wondrous state. The work has been finished and there only needs to be one more decision made. Now, the writer has only one decision left to make: what will become of the work that has been completed? That decision is the final step of the writer's process and from there, the sky is the limit.

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