Tuesday, June 11, 2013

E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) Day 2 Reaction

We come to Day 2 of the E3 video game coverage and today's competitor is Nintendo, showcasing a swath of Wii U and 3DS titles to bring in the attention of gamers. It may have seemed like it was taking a long time to get some solid titles for Wii U, but after today the wait seems over. Nintendo came out with big name titles to bring in those still on the fence about purchasing the Wii U. Let's get started with the analysis.

What I liked: The focus on the big titles was definitely a major plus. Between Super Mario 3D World with Princess Peach playable (FINALLY!), Super Smash Bros. on Wii U and 3DS, Bayonetta 2 and much more, the unique game console is looking fabulous. In addition, a few of these titles are coming out this year and will also be coming out next year. In addition, the games to look forward to actually LOOK like video games. That's the biggest draw for me. 

What I didn't like: Hmm... I cannot really think of anything that I didn't like about the presentation. All good stuff, just the waiting period is going to be a little difficult. But good things come to those who wait and that saying is doubly true when it comes to Nintendo releases. 

Fabulous presentation, Nintendo. E3 is possibly fabulous this year with the Sony and Nintendo conferences looking excellent and Microsoft looking very much lacking in appeal. Whether or not they recover is up to them but who knows what will happen from here. I am happy to say that video games have been saved. Viva la video games!

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