Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Eros: Sinful Expressions of a Deviant Sample

Chapter 1 – The Sex Farm

            In the outskirts of urban living, the countryside glistens with a bright peacefulness. The long green plains, the wheat blowing in the wind and the wildlife itself stands as a reminder of what once was the country before modernization took hold. In such a place, it may seem as quite a surprise that any depraved acts can and do occur out of the public eye. However, in a farmland deep outside the eyes of the city, the darkest of pleasures become reality.

            The farmland is known as “Pleasant Fields”, commonly referred to as the farmland that provides much for families starting out their own farming dreams. The farmers, by the name of Lou and Lois Pleasant, frequently grow many different crops including corn, tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, lettuce, and much more. They also own several livestock, such as cows and pigs and sheep. With two children also working the farmland, it is the ideal farming family that you hear about in many different novels. However, there is another part of this farmland that went unnoticed for years; a certain “pleasantness” that was never exposed to the public and for good reason. Behind the veil of normalcy that the Pleasants provided for their children and their neighbors is a dark and deviant nature that came out when eyes were fixed away from them. For one such visitor, this dark nature would become clear.

            The day of farming has come to an end for the Pleasants as they pick their crops and lead some of their animals into one of two barns on the farmland. As Lou Pleasant locks up the first barn, his wife Lois Pleasant turns her attention to a car approaching the front gates of the farm. By the sounds coming from the car, it has just broken down and stopped working; leaving the driver no choice but to exit. The driver turns out to be a young woman named Claire Reddington, an 18 year old young woman with long blond hair and tanned skin. She has a height of 5” 5’ and light brown eyes. She wears a short white tank top and black yoga tights with white leg warmers, indicating that she may have been working out prior to driving. Her considerable C-cup bust and waist provide a view very few could resist staring into, their eyes sinking into the crevice between her breasts or the clear tight hold of her rear.

            She takes a cell phone from her handbag and speaks into it calmly. “Hello, I need to get a tow truck for my car. It sounds like the engine has seized up…No, I don’t know exactly where I am…Yes, my car does have a GPS system for location…A few hours depending on the location? Okay, I’ll just wait. Thank you”. She hangs up her phone and leans against her car before Lou approaches her. “Well, hello there, young lady. You appear to be in a bit of car trouble”. “Yes, the engine seems to be acting up again…and of all the places to do that too. The tow truck will take a while coming here, considering how out of the way this area is…” she says, reasonably suspicious of the farmer. “Well, you shouldn’t wait out here while the cold starts to set in. Come inside, my wife Lois will warm you up some dinner and you can wait for the tow truck in the warmth of our home.” Lou suggests to her.

            “You wouldn’t mind at all?” Claire asks. “Not a problem at all. Honey, we have a guest!” Lou says, turning to his wife. Lou and his wife Lois Pleasant are in their mid-30s, with Lois being only 2 years younger than her husband. They are both light-skinned with blue eyes and blonde hair, with Lou’s short and ruffled to his wife’s shortly-cut and flowing. He wears a light-blue buttoned shirt under black overalls with his wife wearing a white buttoned top and long black dress. Lou has a height of 5” 9’ and his wife is about 5” 1’. The appearance of the farmers puts Claire at ease as she follows them into their two-story house beyond the white picket fence. “Thank you again for this. I hope it isn’t any trouble.” Claire says with a small denim jacket over her arm. “Not at all, my dear, not at all…” Lois says, giving her husband a smile that he knows all too well.

            Inside, the Pleasant’s home appears normal, with the living room possessing a couch in the middle in front of a box television, a large black rug covering the wooden floor and several lamps in the corners of the room. A small white dog comes up and rubs against Claire as she bends over and pets it, giving the farmers a look at her firm behind. “Aww what a cute dog…” Claire says, rubbing the animal’s head. “Oh yes, he is quite friendly. Lois, set the dinner table.” Lou says. “Yes Sir…” Lois says, walking into the kitchen. “Sir?” Claire asks, somewhat confused. “Oh yes, we have our own little names we call each other…” Lou explains as he takes a seat. His wife returns shortly after with dinner at the table ready. Three bowls sit on the wooden kitchen table, each filled with steaming beef stew. “That smells delicious… I haven’t eaten anything since my workout.” Claire says as she takes a seat.

            “Ah eat up, dear… It is a very good recipe I’ve used for quite some time.” Lois says, adding a sprinkle of what appears to be salt to Claire’s bowl. “Thank you very much.” Claire says, relaxed by the pleasant nature of the farmers as she takes a few sips and bites of the stew. “Our children are already asleep, quite a shame since we don’t get too many visitors here.” Lou explains as he eats his own bowl, his wife eating just beside him. “This is very good… Such tender meat… It really…really makes me…feel…” Claire slowly stops eating and her eyelids begin to flutter before her body falls towards the floor. In an instant, she lies unconscious on the tiled kitchen floor, a display not unfamiliar to the farmers. With a sinister snicker, Lou and Lois take the young girl by her arms and legs and carry her out of the kitchen and outside of the house.

            They carry her across the farmland and towards the second barn that had not been touched by the farmers today. Lou walks to his wife and unbuttons her white top, revealing only a black latex bra and a black leather collar around her neck; a small key hanging from the chain link attached to it. “Here we are, wife… We have another toy to play with.” Lou speaks, unlocking the barn door with the key. “We certainly do, Master… How long do You think she will last?” Lois asks, slowly dropping to her knees as she removes the black dress, a black latex thong her only covering as well as leather black boots on her feet. “Well, we will find out…” he says as they bring her inside.

            Lou unbuttons his shirt, leaving just his overalls on as well as a black farmer’s hat bearing the Iron Cross symbol. As he closes the door, his hands turn towards Claire, linking her body to a table in the middle of the barn with iron shackles. His wife Lois places a thin iron collar around Claire’s neck as her husband removes her white tank top, revealing her large breasts before both the farmers. “Ah yes, this will be a fun one indeed….” Lou snickers as his wife removes the young girl’s pants and shoes, keeping the leg warmers on her. “How shall You begin, Sir?” Lois asks as her husband runs his hands along her curvature. “Let’s wake her up shall we?” Lou asks before returning his hand to Claire’s cheek, giving her face a firm hard smack.

            “Oh! What….Where…Where am…?” Claire speaks softly before noticing the absence of her clothing and her restrained position on the table. “Welcome awake, young lady… I hope you enjoyed my wife’s cooking.” Lou speaks, his voice low and his eyes looking into hers, enjoying the fear in her eyes. “What’s going on here…where are my clothes?! Why am I here!? Ahh!” Claire panics, feeling the tight hold of the collar around her neck tugging her head back against the table. “Now now, don’t you tire yourself out with all that screaming…There’s no one here that will hear you…” Lou says as his wife brings over a suitcase.

            “What’s in that thing…?” Claire asks softly, in disbelief of her situation as she eyes the tools of the devious farmers. “Oh we will have some fun, my dear… Some very good fun…” Lou says, looking inside his suitcase. Inside the suitcase are several things: body oil, a flail, a whip, a stun gun, duct tape, several vibrators, needles, iron brands, as well as a video camera. “What are…What are you going to do to me…? Please….please let me go….!” Claire pleads, yet her hopes for release are gone as she sees the look of enjoyment in her captors. “We’ll see how you turn out…And then you may get released.” Lou says as he unbuttons a small flap on his overalls, revealing his long penis.

            “No, no! Get away from me! Help!” Claire shouts as loud as she can before the table begins to flip over, her body held upside-down and in place by the restraints as Lois holds her head up by her hair. “The hole is ready for you, Sir…” Lois says with a smile, keeping Claire’s head up and steady despite her struggling. “Excellent…Here I go.” Lou says with a snicker, holding his penis steady with his hand until he forces the entire length down Claire’s throat. Her panic heightens as he forces it down further with repeated thrusts, her eyes dripping with tears of both fear and pain as her mouth is violated. As her husband takes the young woman’s mouth, Lois turns around and licks against the girl’s breasts, biting at her nipples viciously. The sharp pain is heard from her muffled shouting as Claire tries to imagine herself in another place. The painful reality proves too much for her as Lou repeatedly thrusts his hard penis down her throat until he feels himself fully aroused.

            “Ahh not yet…” Lou says as he looks under the girl, giving his wife a strike at her thigh with the flail. “Turn the table back over, woman!” Lou shouts as he backs up from the table. “Yes Sir, my apologies Sir…” Lois says as she removes herself from underneath the girl and turns it back upward, bringing Claire’s body to be held vertically. Lou takes the flail and gives his wife the camera. “Get this all on film…” Lou says, whipping the flail across Claire’s bare body repeatedly as his wife records it. “Ahhh! Stop! Please, it hurts!!” she shouts, feeling each strike against her breasts, her stomach and her hips. Occasionally the flail whips across her face, leaving the same red marks that appear across her body as a result of the whipping. After sometime, she no longer could scream and simply cries as her body is abused by the flail.

            “Sir, it seems she has stopped screaming…” Lois says still recording on the video camera. “Well then we will get her screaming again…” Lou says with a smirk as the table is turned back flat. Lou completely disrobes himself and positions himself between the young girl’s legs. His dripping penis rubs against Claire’s womanhood, causing the girl to begin to struggle once more. “No…No, please…I’m….I’m not…I can’t...” she speaks in a panic as tears drip down her cheeks. “Ah are you a virgin…?” Lou asks as he rubs her womanhood with his fingers, feeling the tightness inside. “Ahh, please stop! No, don’t…!” she cries out in fear as she tries to see what he is doing. As he removes his fingers, he sees a faint glimpse of blood. “So you are… Well, this will be even more enjoyable…” he says as he rubs the blood against his wife’s tongue before they engage in a deep kiss, savoring her blood. His wife leans down after the kiss and takes her husband’s penis in her mouth, sucking it with feverish hunger as he holds her head with his hand. “Do you see this, young lady? This…this is what you will learn to do very soon…” Lou spoke as he felt his wife continuing.

            It wouldn’t be the first time the Pleasants entrapped a girl in their net of sexuality. The Pleasants are a farmer family with a desire to be successful, but Lou has another side which he came to acknowledge in his teen years: he has a strong sexual desire for controlling women. It wasn’t until he met his soon-to-be wife that he would find the perfect counterpart to his desire to control. Lois had never been highly sexual but when she met Lou, she often told her friends that there was something about him which just brought out this sexual beast inside her and that he was the only one who could keep her in complete control. A few years into their relationship, they married and discovered bondage play, to which the rest is simply history. However, it wasn’t just sensual play between themselves they enjoyed, they had a far more sinister manner in which they enjoy themselves: unsuspecting victims.

            Their first kidnapping was a year prior to this current one and the young girl they kidnapped managed to escape while the farmers were still complacent. By pure luck, the authorities were not informed of their activities but the Pleasants had learned a great deal. Now, their current victim would find no such line of weakness in their approach with which she could find escape. As Lois finishes, her husband moves her back to Claire, giving his wife the stun gun. “Give her a good shocking, wife…” Lou says as he moves back to the young woman’s vagina, the tip of his penis rubbing against her slowly.

            “Please…please don’t do this to me…” Claire pleads softly. “Don’t be afraid, young lady…You are going to enjoy every bit of this.” Lou speaks softly as he penetrates her deeply, enjoying the sound of the young woman’s painful scream. His wife uses the stun gun against Claire’s erect nipples, shocking them repeatedly as her husband repeatedly thrusts into her like a wild animal. Her groans and moans echo within the barn as she faintly attempts to struggle one more time, feeling no looseness in the restraints on the table. For Claire, the moment has come when she realizes that she is trapped and there is no hope for her.

            The torture continues into the night and further into the morning, Claire’s body dripping with sweat and the semen from Lou’s penis. Her body has finally stopped moving against the table once the farmers are finished with her. She has passed out from the pain and the rush running through her body, and Lou and Lois have pleasured themselves using her and even on top of her body. They leave her in a mess on the table as they return to their home to wash up and begin their own work day. Their children wake up and get themselves ready for a day of school as the farmers themselves begin to pick their crops and plant new seeds. Claire remains in the barn in order to continue pleasuring the farmers against her will. Despite a full police investigation instigated following the previous victim’s kidnapping a year ago, the sinful farmers continue to enjoy themselves, beyond the reach of those that could and would stop them.

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