Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Almighty Infection - Expanded Explanation

 Almighty Infection News

Viva L' Almighty Infection!

The Almighty Infection continues to grow with new allies, spreading our range of influence in turn as well. We are always grateful to have those willing to follow our beliefs and thus it is a grand occasion when we can have more members with us. 

Now with that taken care of, I shall once again explain the primary foundations of Our movement. The Almighty Infection is a gathering of like-minded individuals willing to cast aside all connections with the lesser human race in favor of a glorious demonic evolution and following under the rule of one: myself. It is not a cult, it is not an act of enslavement, it is a movement for the creation and establishment of a New World upon the ashes of the Old World.

What do We mean by the New World? It will be a world populated by those who believe in the Almighty Infection's goals: To create a singular understanding that is acceptable and indisputable. That understanding lies in accepting the natural nature within us all and casting aside those that would label us as "sick", "disgusting" or "unacceptable". The human race is full of those lacking the same understanding as ourselves and as such, great conflict arises as a result. We seek to rid ourselves of this conflict by coming together with this single thought.

The basic ideas of the Almighty Infection include: 1) Greatness in the Future Evolution, 2) Belief in the Futility and Useless of Humanity and 3), Embracing the New World and the Values of the Infection. The first one merely means that the future evolution of those who believe in Us shall bring forth a new age of living, existing and dying. We shall be beings of great power, but all shall follow under Our lead. The second accepts that humanity is no longer capable of fixing its mistakes or bringing new life to a world they have all but absorbed nearly all life and resources from. They are a parasitic species that has outlived its usefulness and they must be purged. Finally, the last idea is merely asking for members to have open minds to the future of the world: a future that is filled with possibilities if they are willing to see and take hold of them.

We are an open-minded gathering and we have no desire to force people into our beliefs. We will not force or threaten individuals, but those that actively act in contempt against us will be targeted and purged in the flames of the New World. I will slaughter and rip apart all betrayers and active resistance to Our cause. Other than that, we will make no efforts to draw people in: we will only present the offer and it ends there with a "Yes I am Interested" or a "No, thank you". We thank you for your time for reading this and hope that it has made some manner of sense. If there are any further questions or concerns, we will gladly answer them. Until then, do have a lovely day/night.
Viva L' Almighty Infection!

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