Sunday, February 22, 2015

Return of Activity

Return of Activity - 2/23/2015

Greetings everyone!

After a longer-than-intended hiatus from blogging, I have returned to post once more on my blog. I will continue as I have before: expressing my opinions on various matters, including those in regards to the BDSM lifestyle and things closely related to that. In addition, I will also be posting some samples for my next upcoming erotica entitled In Her Hands and hopefully will garner some interest in the work in doing so. With that being said, I will briefly discuss what this erotica will entail and also provide a brief sample of the work as well.

While my previous work of erotic writing featured various stories in regards to different ways in which individuals can feel and express sexual arousal and how it affects their very way of life, my upcoming work will focus on a powerful relationship established within the lifestyle: the relationship between the Dominant and the submissive. For me, the relationship itself is very much important due to the fact that quite a few factors go into ensuring the productive synergy between a submissive and their Dominant other. Among these factors are trust, care, understanding, education and of course, the desire for pleasure. It is absolutely a two-way street and it is because of that dynamic that it intrigues me greatly.

As such, with this written work I hope to explore the growth of a Dominant/submissive relationship by writing out a story that starts from the very beginning: an individual discovering who they are and what they are and finding the individual that fulfills the other half; along with the growth of the relationship that comes between the both of them. The result, I hope, will be a work that shows how a submissive individual might discover themselves, how a Dominant individual might proceed with educating the submissive alongside educating themselves, as well as other probable dynamics that may come into play in regards to other situations. It will be an erotica that not only explores these various dynamics and aspects to the lifestyle but also one that allows readers to see just how the relationship encompasses so many different things besides activities beyond the quote-unquote "Norm".

It is a work that is requiring me to think not only from the perspective of a Dominant individual but also from the perspective of a submissive individual, which is an perspective that I am personally not intimately familiar with. It allows my mind to think along various possible manners of thought which may or may not be truly accurate but at the same time, it does allow room for possibilities all the same. Like my previous work, this one will not be one trying to make a public statement or do anything that intends to flip society upside-down. It is merely a look at my own personal perspective in a fictional work that involves a lifestyle that very much exists.

And with that, now I will provide a brief sample of In Her Hands and provide some further insights as I continue the work. Thank you very much for reading this as well as possibly looking forward to my work being finished.

In Her Hands brief sample #1

           Several of the party guests are wearing masks of varying sorts to covering their faces slightly, and others have their heads fully covered in leather or latex hoods of many colors. Many of the guests are clothed in provocative clothing; much of which is exposing their skin and most intimate of body parts for all to see and others are wearing more formal or authoritative clothing. Along the left and right side of the front foyer are tables covered with small finger foods such as dip with crackers, mini sandwiches, as well as a large chocolate and vanilla cake in the shape of a handcuff and bowls of drinks. As Charlie walks in the middle of the room, he hears several different conversations coming from the guests: some are discussing what they did the previous weekend and other talking about subject matters that Charlie was not accustomed to. He hears the words “sub”, “slave”, “punishment”, “discipline”, and “sex” used many times, further reinforcing his belief that perhaps he was in the wrong place.
            Just as he is about to leave, he turns around and sees the woman Angelice waving to him from the top of the stairway leading to the second floor. “Ah you have arrived, Charlie Middleworth. Then we can begin at last. Everyone, lend me your attention.” Angelice says, the entire room going quiet and the guests turn to her in response. “Thank you. I would like to welcome you all to my home for my housewarming, first of all.” Angelice continues, causing several of the individuals to slowly bow on their knees; a sight that surprises Charlie. He does the same just on the thought that it is a normal practice here. Angelice takes notice of this and smiles. “And of course, for those who are not familiar with me, my name is Angelice. Mistress Angelice Silvermane, to be precise. Welcome, Dominants and submissives, to my new home.” Angelice says. “Thank you, Mistress.” the partygoers simultaneously speak, the word echoing within Charlie’s head. “Mistress…just what is this…?” Charlie asks himself as he keeps his attention on Angelice.
            “Thank you all, be certain to eat all the food and soak up as much information as you can. I will be in my parlor. Have a good evening and I shall address you all again soon.” Angelice says before beckoning Charlie up the stairs. He watches her hand like it is a hypnotizing device and slowly follows, ascending the stairs and following Angelice into a smaller room. The room is covered with an ornately-patterned purple and black wallpapering, with black paint covering the borders and moldings around the room. A black-painted wooden throne sits in the back of the room, along with two posts with chains attached to them. Against the wall are two portraits: a portrait of Angelice holding a whip against the neck of a hooded individual and another depicting the flogging of another individual in a stockade. A tall bookcase sits beside the throne in the back of the room and on the floor is a circular carpet with black and purple crosses patterned across the material. A smaller chair sits in the middle of the carpet and above the chair is a small chandelier with purple crystals shimmering in the light.
            “Thank you for coming to my housewarming, it is the perfect opportunity for us to speak.” Angelice says softly as she takes a seat in her throne. “Thank you for inviting me, Miss Angelice…but I…I do not quite understand what sort of housewarming this is…” Charlie says, standing as he waits to be able to sit. “You can have a seat, dear…and you need not be worried, I shall explain.” Angelice says, observing as Charlie takes a seat on the smaller wooden chair before her. “Tell me, my dear…Has your life been filled with a lingering emptiness?” Angelice asks. Charlie stares astonished by her question, partly by the sheer random nature of it but also by how accurate it is to his feelings. “Ye…Yes, I have had thoughts like that lately, Miss. But how did you know…?” Charlie asks. “It is as I said to you when we spoke earlier, my dear…” she says, slowly standing up and approaching him as she stared into his eyes, “Your eyes speak the volumes that your lips cannot.”
            “I…I understand…” Charlie says, entranced by the woman’s voice and her attentive gaze towards him. “When we first spoke and exchanged eye contact, I picked up a lot of things about you…You have quite a lot bottled up inside you: tension, confusion, and especially desire.” Angelice says. “Re…really? All of that is inside of me…?” Charlie asks, with the knowledge that she was speaking exactly the truth. Deep within, he kept a lot of repressed feelings down: confusion with the change in his surroundings, boredom with the monotony of his daily routines and especially the repressed sexual urges and desires he has been discovering. Somehow, the woman before him managed to pick up on all of these feelings without him speaking even a single word; causing him to become both frightened and intrigued.
            “Yes, all of those feelings are inside of you, just wanting to surface…Tell me my dear; do you believe you are an open-minded individual?” Angelice asks. “Yes, Miss… I find myself to be pretty open-minded to a lot of things...” Charlie replies, fidgeting slightly in the small chair. Angelice smiles and walks to the bookshelf beside her, taking out a small book and presenting it to Charlie. “Then I would like you to consider this…the lifestyle of BDSM.” Angelice says softly. “B…D…S…M…? What is that, Miss?” Charlie asks, slowly taking the book in his hands. “It is what some would call an “alternative” or “deviant” lifestyle. To me, it is merely the alternative to the monotony that society would rather us all follow behind. Essentially, it is a lifestyle that stands for bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism.” Angelice begins to explain. “Wow…” Charlie says as he begins to take in all of the information.
            “The most basic of basic information that you need to be aware of that there is a degree of power exchange involved, regarding two different roles: Dominant and submissive. A Dominant is an individual that maintains power within the relationship and is solely responsible for teaching the submissive essential traits and behaviors to serve the Dominant accordingly. The submissive, as the opposite end of the spectrum, is responsible for learning from and understanding the words and instructions of the Dominant. The submissive will only yield that level of power to the one that they trust with their livelihood and future development.” Angelice explains. “Sounds like an important agreement between the two roles.” Charlie says. “Indeed true, but it is very important that such an agreement is established to ensure nothing untoward happens to the submissive. It also protects the Dominant from any issues with law enforcement.” Angelice says as she pulls her throne closer to Charlie. “Law…law enforcement? What exactly happens in the lifestyle to incur…law enforcement?” Charlie asks.
            “Oh yes…there is a menagerie of things that occurs between those that practice the BDSM lifestyle. There is a strong emphasis on disciplining, either through communication or physical punishment. The goal is for the Dominant to establish a degree of respect and admiration, as well as affection, with the submissive. If the submissive is happy with the Dominant, the submissive will do as they are requested or told without questioning or concern. The second aspect of BDSM is the sexual aspect. There are those that practice BDSM that never touch each other in an intimate fashion or get into bed with each other. For others, there is some sexual play involved. I, for instance, am very much a sexual Dominant with my submissives. I enjoy having sex and experimenting with varying degrees of sexuality.” Angelice says, smiling as Charlie’s cheeks begin to blush red. “Sexual…the lifestyle has sexual activities involved?” Charlie asks, stuttering as he speaks. “Yes, indeed it can. It is not the most important aspect, but it is especially enjoyable.” Angelice smiles as she replies. “Wow…it sounds like there is a lot to the lifestyle. How does…how does someone become part of it?” Charlie asks. “The first thing for you to do is take a look at that book. If you think you are still interested, then come to my home after your school day.” Angelice says softly. “Yes…yes, Miss. I will.” Charlie says as he looks at the cover of the book which reads “BDSM: The Primer”.

            After the festivities conclude, most of the party guests have left Angelice’s home. As the last guest leaves, Charlie proceeds to the door, taking one more glance back at Angelice; who gives him a warm smile. “Have a good evening, Miss.” Charlie says with a smile. “And you do as well, Charlie…I hope I will see you tomorrow.” Angelice says before watching him walk across the street to his home. Charlie carries the book close to his chest as he opens the door, locking it behind him as he proceeds to his room in the attic. Just as he passes his parent’s bedroom, his father steps out of the bathroom. “Ah you’re home Charlie. You were certainly out late, it’s almost 10 p.m.” Anthony says, wearing only a pair of blue-and-white plaid pajama bottoms. “I’m sorry, Dad. I got pretty preoccupied at the neighbor’s house…I’m going to head to bed now. Good night.” Charlie says. “Good night, my son. I’ll see you in the morning.” Anthony says before retiring to the master bedroom. Charlie proceeds to his room in the attic, sitting up in bed with the light nearby gleaming against the book on his lap. “Okay…Let’s see…Chapter One…” Charlie says to himself as he begins reading.

End of sample #1

Thank you very much for observing my entry and sample, I will keep the interested posted as much as I can. Until then, Live as You Will, Not as the World would rather You Live.